Pairing okra and shitake provides great nutrition boost for your pup! Okra mucilage (gel-like substance) is made up of highly viscous polysaccharides, proteins and minerals which has many functional health properties such as anti-cancer, antimicrobial, and removing toxins from liver. On the other hand, shitake contains beta-glucans and B-vitamins which can help to boost their immune system and energy levels. A little goes a long way in keeping your pup active and lively.
Ingredients: freshly grounded meat (protein of your choice), okra, shitake
[We use chicken protein in the above picture for best illustration purposes.]
*This item is freshly made upon order and will be delivered frozen
[Each meatball is approximately 70g in weight before bake, do expect a drop in weight after baking. Reduction of water content varies by protein after baking.]
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